2011 “Quantum Gas”
冷原子物理是目前国际科研的前沿与热点领域。自从1995年实现玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC) 以后,这一领域蓬勃发展起来,产生了数位诺贝尔奖获得者。这一领域有很多重要的科研成果,如:BEC相干放大、四波混频、光速在BEC中急剧减慢、BEC中的压缩态、以及分子凝聚体、光阱中的旋量BEC、Mott相变、 极子BEC,费米凝聚、BEC-BCS等。同时这一领域更与光晶格、强关联、低维气体以及固体物体紧密联系起来。 了解这一领域的基本概念和知识尤为重要。
为了进一步加强国内外冷原子领域的交流与合作, 帮助本科生、研究生更好地了解本学科最新的研究动态和研究成果,掌握量子气体相关的基本知识,安全可靠的赌博APP-免费下载与评测
量子电子学研究所与物理学院量子材料科学中心将联合举办为期6天的“量子气体”暑期学校。本期暑期学校将邀请国际上著名的冷原子领域专家 Gora Shlyapnikov 教授为大家讲授量子气体的基本概念以及其应用。
1. 玻色气体的基本概念与基本实验。
Gora Shlyapnikov 教授法国巴黎第六大学理论物理所所长,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学物理系教授。他是国际冷原子物理理论著名专家,作出了很多有重大国际影响的工作, 在《Physics Review Letters》,《Physics Review A》等国际著名杂志发表论文100多篇。他从1969年开始从事理论物理领域的研究,早期主要的研究领域为低温晶体的辐射过程,量子流体,低维系统以及其准确的可解模型的研究。从这时起,对稀薄量子气体凝聚以及关连的研究就成为他主要的研究目标之一,其中他关于“BEC中降低到六分之一的三体再结合”的工作在十年后被JILA的铷原子的实验验证(Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 337 (1997)。接着,受到1995年JILA,MIT,RICE等大学关于BEC先驱工作的激励,他致力于这一领域理论方法的重建研究,如:“凝聚体的塌缩与有限温微扰理论的研究”,“以及俘获凝聚体演化理论的研究”。其中关于亚稳三重液氦自旋极化气的BEC可能性的预言已经在实验上实现(Science 292, 461 (2001 ) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3459 (2001)。之后直到2003年的几年时间里,他领导阿姆斯特丹大学的一个理论小组主要从事“非传统的费米气的超流对以及俘获耦极气体的BEC”的研究,发展低维俘获气体BEC以及粒子间相互作用理论。这期间他们关于“在有限温条件下,强延长俘获的3D玻色气体的平衡态是一种量子涨落凝聚态”的理论已经在实验上获得验证 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 160406 (2001)) and (Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 010405 (2003))。2003年以后,他在法国巴黎六大理论物理研究所筹建了理论研究组,从事量子气体多体理论的研究。主要包括揭示宏观量子态的新现象,发展微扰解与准确描述的研究。他们分析了两组分冷原子费米气在不同粒子间强排斥情况下的弱束缚的玻色二聚态的形成。这些二聚态代表了最高转振态的二原子分子。他们研究发现了弹性二聚态-二聚态相互作用的准确解,并预言了其对碰撞迟豫的强抑制。这提供了一条研究分子BEC的途径。
Gora Shlyapnikov作为国际冷原子理论的先驱人物,多次组织了国际上颇具影响力的冷原子领域的国际会议,并多次在重要的国际会议上做了邀请报告。Gora Shlyapnikov 目前兼任IFRAF执行委员,BEC探索发展INFM委员会委员(意大利),Physical Review A 编委,Advances in Physics 副编辑,European Physics Letters 合作编辑等职务。
课堂参与: 课堂讨论
课程作业: 布置一定量的作业
请于6月 1 日至7月10日下载并填写附件2报名表,发至李辰同学 [email protected],免交听课费。
住宿可联系:北京大学燕园社区招待所 010-62750159 010-62753996 010-62767971 010-62767963 010-62755755 010-62769980 010-62753954 010-62762838 010-62767865
联系人:马静涛老师 张会荣老师
联系电话:010-62753208,62760375 传真:010-62753208
电子邮件: [email protected] ; [email protected]
北京大学量子电子学研究所 周小计教授,北京大学量子材料科学中心 吴飙教授
北京大学量子电子学研究所 陈徐宗教授,北京大学量子材料科学中心王恩哥院士
Outline of the courses by Gora Shlyapnikov
July 25
Bose-condensed gases. Basic concepts and fundamental results
This part I will start with Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in an ideal gas and introduce the notion of the condensate wavefunction. I then discuss the issue of interaction between particles and introduce the coupling constant (scattering length) for the binary interaction and explain the criterion of the weakly interacting regime. The next step will be the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the condensate wavefunction in an external (confining) potential,the notion of the healing length and the discussion of the dynamics of condensates set into motion by variations of the confining potential. I will focus on the observation of this dynamics in first BEC experiments. The lecture will be completed by the discussion of elementary excitations on the basis of the Bogiliubov approach, the use of this approach for a harmonically trapped BEC in the Thomas-Fermi regime, and first experiments on the observation of the eqxitation frequencies in the latter case.
July 26
Degenerate Fermi gases. Basic concepts and fundamental results
I will begin the lecture with introducing the basic scales for quantum degenerate fermions, such as the Fermi sea, Fermi energy, and Fermi momentum. I then discuss the interaction in two-component Fermi gases and introduce the BCS approach. It will be used for deriving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for single particle excitations, and I will focus on the order parameter (gap) of the system and on the normal-superfluid phase transition. The discussion will be completed by the Ginzburg-Landau functional near the transition temperature.
July 27
Strongly interacting Fermi gases
I will continue the previous lecture by turning to large values of the coupling constant for the interaction and introduce the Leggett model for the description of the strongly interacting Fermi gas in the regime of BCS-BEC cross-over, that is when the interaction constant changes from negative (corresponding to BCS superfluid pairing) to positive (correcponding to the formation of bound dimers and their Bose-Einstein condensation). Large attention will be focused on experiments performed for strongly interacting Fermi gases and on Feshbach resonances for tuning the interaction constant. The last part of the lecture will be dedicated to weakly bound dimers (diatomic molecules) formed on the BEC side of the resonance and their remarkable collisional stability.
July 28
Dipolar quantum gases
This lecture will be dedicated to dipolar quantum gases, that is is the gases of particles which have a dipole moment (alligned polar molecules or atoms with a large magnetic moment) and interact with each other via long-range dipole-dipole forces. It will be shown that for dipolar BEC the stability depends on the trapping geometry, and I will discuss experiments in this direction. I then turn to dipolar Fermi gases, which bacame availabele recently after breakthrough experiments on creating almost degenerate clouds of KRb clouds at JILA. The main issue here will be to discuss possibilities for superfluid pairing and normal-superfluid phase transition.
July 29
Rapidly rotating Bose gases
In this lecture I will again turn to bosons and discuss the states of the system under a rapid rotation, which brings it to lowest Landau level. I will discuss first the so-called mean-field Quantum Hall regime, where the created vortices for a triangular Abrikosov lattice. The discussion will include elementary excitation modes (Tkachenko modes). The last part of the lecture will be dedicated to quantum melting of the lattice and the emergence of strongly correlated Quantum Hall states.
July 30
Quantum gases in disordered potentials
The last lecture will be about quantum gases in random potentials. I will introduce the famous Anderson problem and discuss the first the issue of Anderson localization of non-interacting particles. I then turn to the interplay between the localization and interparticle interaction. Namely, I will discuss how the interaction influences Anderson localization. The lecture will be completed by the discussion of recent experiments revealing Anderson localization in ultracold bosonic clouds.
(2011年7月25-30 北京大学)
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联系人:马静涛老师 张会荣老师
联系电话:010-62753208,62760375 传真:010-62753208
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