1) 云计算系统软件技术与应用,可参与核心关键技术研发、教育科研混合云建设、燕云管理系统产品化、产学研合作、国际化等。
2) 大数据系统软件技术与应用,可参与核心关键技术研发、数据开放共享云平台建设、燕风API平台产品化、产学研合作、国际化等。
3) 云计算和大数据安全技术,可参与安全分析与评估、核心关键技术研发、上述产品和系统安全体系与整体方案、产学研合作等。
1. 国内外知名高校及研究机构取得博士学位,年龄四十周岁以下;
2. 具有系统软件、云计算、大数据领域的科研成果;
3. 为人正直诚实,积极乐观,善于沟通和组织协调。
4. 具有产业背景和管理经验者优先。
1. 详细简历(包括自大学开始至申请时间学习、工作简历,负责的科研项目、发表的论文、申请/获得的专利等);
2. 申请陈述(描述你在获得该岗位后,有何想法和规划)。
联系人:黄罡 教授(副所长)
地 址:安全可靠的赌博APP-免费下载与评测
Job advertisement for a Research Faculty position at the Institute of Software, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University CHINA
We recruit a Research Scientist for our Cloud Computing and Big Data System Software Project. The selected candidate will be remunerated according to the compensation system for research faculty of Peking University (above 200K RMB/year). The desirable start is April 2017.
Job description:
You will work in the intersection of the following fields:
- Cloud computing system software technologies and applications
- Big data system software technologies and applications
- Cloud computing and big data security technologies
Tasks and duties:
- Conduct your own research including construction, productization and internationalization of cloud platforms, and industry-university-research cooperation
- Coordinate research activities, co-supervise students and junior researches
- PhD degree in computer science, software engineering or a related field at prestigious university or research institution
- Excellent scientific research record in system software, cloud computing, and big data
- upright and honest, positive and optimistic, good at communication and coordination
- industrial background and management experience are preferred
Application materials:
Applications should include
- the curriculum vitae, including education experience (from undergraduate), work experience, a list of supervised scientific projects, a list of publications, and a list of pending/obtained patents.
- a brief letter of motivation and statement.
Please send your application to:
Applications received by February 20th 2017 will get priority.